In the meantime, The New Yorker had an article about Armantrout’s winning the Pulitzer Prize for this collection, and explained in length not just her biography but her status as a Language poet. Language poets were once a cultural rebellion against Post- Modern poets, but have now become more mainstream, and of them, she’s known as the best. The essay explained how her poems are often cryptic with double meanings and turns that are meant to wake up the reader, to shock them out of numb reality.
With this in mind, I went back and reread each piece. I confess that most are still over my head, I can’t make the connections. But a few really did give me pause. And I think that is how she should be read: not in a hurry to finish but to slowly unravel.
From Outer:
“I’m the one who can’t know if the scraggly old woman putting a gallon of vodka in her shopping cart feels guilty, defiant, or even glamorous as she does so. She may imagine herself as an actress playing an alcoholic in a film.
Removal activates glamour?
To see yourself as if from the outside – though not as others see you.”
All in all, trying to figure out the meanings was fascinating, like the first few games of Sudoku. But after awhile, just as Sudoku gets more difficult, this felt like more work than I was willing to invest. I just don’t have that in me, to understand what these mean. I am too simple for these complexities. However, someone with a stronger background in poetry, especially Language poetry, would likely enjoy this special collection.
Special thanks to Stephanie Elliot at Wesleyan University Press for the Review Copy.
Thanks to Gina Hott at http://www.ginahott.blogspot.com/ for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Thanks to Gina Hott at http://www.ginahott.blogspot.com/ for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Now I'm curious about Armantrout's poetry. Will have to look her up at the library!
ReplyDeleteYour are not alone. Here's my review of it: http://thelinebreak.wordpress.com/2010/07/09/the-thought-farts-in-rae-armantrouts-versed-and-elliptical-poetrys-velvet-rope/